We are a collective of passionate professionals, each contributing a distinct voice to the symphony that is our team. We come from a broad range of educational and professional backgrounds, bringing together expertise from fields as diverse as political science, organisational management, psychology, and visual design.
Our team members have cut their teeth in a variety of industries, from medical to Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), accumulating an array of insights and experiences that fuel our creative and strategic prowess. Furthermore, our global perspective, honed by living and working in different countries around the world, enriches our understanding of cultural nuances and market dynamics.
Come, meet our team - a blend of global citizens dedicated to creating impactful strategies for your brand.
Johanna Quatmann
Antal Adam
Daniel Wolbert
Saskia Chatzopoulus
Roladn Matusek
Philip Morley
Sally Reck
"Brands are like living organisms that have grown through moments of communication. To communicate effectively, one must find meaningful points of connection and preserve the peculiarities."
Johanna Quatmann
Founder & Lead Strategist, QNA
Johanna brings over 15 years of experience in strategic communication, relationship building, and project management to help institutions, companies, and organizations achieve their goals. With her keen eye for strategy, she excels in applying communication design services that create unforgettable journeys for her clients’ audiences.
Working cross-culturally and in multiple stakeholder environments, Johanna is an effective motivator who can bring teams together and deliver results. Originally from Germany, she currently resides in Jylland, Denmark, and is fluent in German, English, Danish, French, and Spanish. And, let’s not forget, Johanna loves a good cup of coffee and a chat – so if you need to think your idea through with someone, just reach out to her.
Based in Åarhus, Denmark
+45 60 26 16 06
„Loyalität zu einer Marke entsteht dann, wenn sich Funktion und Nutzen mit Emotion verbinden.“
Antal Adam
Lead Text & Concept, QNA
Meet Antal, a German national carrying a Czech passport as well as a Czech national with a German passport, he brings a unique blend of cultural perspectives to our team.
Educated in Germany and the United States, he offers a transatlantic perspective on communication strategies. His educational background is fortified by his experience as a trained journalist and copywriter, skills that he has honed over a rewarding career spanning the corporate world and communication consulting.
Known for his signature style, he never leaves his house without a hat - a constant reminder that at QNA, we cherish uniqueness and personal flair.
Based in Stuttgart, Germany
+49 171 9937937
"Branding means thinking about what distinguishes your company from the rest, and incorporating it into every single touchpoint of the business“
Daniel Wolbert
Lead Design & Art Director, QNA
Daniel ist beratender Gestalter und gestaltender Berater in Einem. Er entwickelt visuelle Konzepte mit eigenständigem Charakter und dem Ziel, die Alleinstellungsmerkmal seiner Kund:innen greifbar, nachvollziehbar und einprägsam zu kommunizieren.
Durch seine langjährige Erfahrung in der Konzeption und Umsetzung von anspruchsvollen Kommunikationsprojekten für namhafte Agenturen, Start-ups, mittelständische Unternehmen und internationale Konzerne, beherrscht Daniel ein umfangreiches Repertoire an „Design-Sprachen“, das er mit viel Fingerspitzengefühl, Ruhe und Geduld anzuwenden weiß.
Based in Stuttgart, Germany
+49 177 4246376
QNA Agency ApS
Illerupvej 19A
8660 Skanderborg
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